Our Story

The Original Fruit Wine Company

Our Story

The Original Fruit Wine Company

All-Natural Fruit With Great Taste, At A Great Price.

Wine goes back to our roots and will always have a special place in our heart, so we take a few extra steps to show our appreciation.

When it comes to our fruit wine, we our dedicated to producing a high quality product that is all-natural and affordable.

We have set out to create a quality wine that uses only the freshest fruit and ingredients. Our wines vary by season and interchange depending on what fruits are ripe for the picking, this ensures only the best quality and provides consumers with a sweet and delicious product.

Whether you are working hard out in the pasture or letting loose at the barnyard hoedown, Lakeshore Farms promises to give you a great wine, for an even better time.

The Best Of Fruit

Our ingredients are blended to create a consistent,
flavorful taste from bottle to bottle.

We pay a premium price for our ingredients which goes directly back to the farmers. This helps farmers and workers invest in themselves, their farms and their communities for generations to come.

Just because it’s bottled, doesn’t mean it isn’t real fruit. We don’t use any ‘fruit flavors’ like other competitors. No artificial additives. Just fruit.

All-Natural & Healthy Fruit Wine

  • VItamin D 80% 80%
  • Potassium 30% 30%
  • VItamin B12 40% 40%
  • VItamin A 70% 70%
  • VItamin B 80% 80%
  • VItamin C 60% 60%

At the core of our winemaking philosophy is the belief that the true essence of delicious fruit can be brought to life. We view winemaking as a harmonious blend of science and art, where our dedicated team meticulously crafts each wine in our diverse portfolio with utmost care and attention to detail. Every style of wine, in our opinion, deserves admiration and respect.

Our longstanding relationships with esteemed growers in the wine industry, nurtured over decades, play a vital role in our pursuit of crafting exceptional wines. The skills, expertise, and craftsmanship of our partners perfectly complement Oliver’s fruit-forward winemaking approach. Emphasizing the use of natural ingredients, we leverage these strong alliances to source only the very best, whether it be blackberries, apples, blackberries, or cherries. It is the unwavering commitment to quality that sets apart average wines from the ones that become your favorites.